訂房流程⊕Booking Process

查詢空房 並即刻預訂喜歡的房間!!
支付方式也更多元 ApplePay, ATM匯款, 信用卡等皆可支付!!
*連假期間暫不開放直接預訂,請用FB私訊, LINE或email跟我們聯絡。

Thank you all for being interested in Rolling Inn.
Instant booking is now available!!!
Now you can check the rooms' availability on our instant booking page,
and book your favorite room(s) immediately!
You can pay by ApplePay, ATM, credit cards...etc,
complete booking in shorter time.
Booking is now easier and more convenient :)
*For booking on holidays, please contact us on Facebook, LINE(id: rollinginn), or email.

<<即時預訂 Instant Booking Here>>



If you're used to book by the original way, it's ok!
We still accept bookings from FB message, LINE, email and phone!
To save your time, we make a list of booking process,
hope it helps :)

Step1.瞭解房型/The Rooms

在老林居Blog的房間分頁(本館二館) 有詳細的房型介紹

On the page of Rooms (RollingInn 1RollingInn 2on this blog,
we have a detailed introduction of rooms.
We suggest you to read the page first, to see if you like the rooms.

Step2. 查看空房/Check

選擇您希望的入住日期 就可以看到可預訂的房型囉!!

To save more time,
you can check out the INSTANT BOOKING page,
to see if your ideal date still have rooms available.

電話:0919-636296 (10:00a.m~9:00p.m.)

If it's not booked out yet,
you can contact us by Rolling Inn FB PM,
or Email: rollinginn@gmail.com
or phone:+886-919636296.
*Please call during GMT+8 10:00a.m.~9:00p.m.
Please contact us by the other ways if it's not during this time.

請大家詢問時告知日期 人數幾大幾小(七歲以下)
我們會回覆大家適合且可預訂的房型 及價格
(台南以從早到晚都有的美食聞名 所以我們沒有附早餐喔)
也請大家一併看規則 確認可遵守再訂房

Please inform us the date,
how many adults and how many under 7 are there.
We'll reply the rooms which are suitable and available.
(Tainan is famous for having delicious food all day, 
so we don't offer breakfast)
Please make sure you agree with the Rules before booking.

Step3.確認訂房及匯款/Book & Payment

確認需要訂房後 我們會回覆賬戶
再次確認日期人數等無誤後 我們才會回傳匯款賬戶
人在國外的旅客 我們會透過PayPal發支付請求喔!
After the booking is made,
We'll reply the bank account.
Please complete the payment in 2 days.
*If book through through the phone,
We'll still ask the guests to contact us by FB PM or Email,
to make sure the date, the numbers are right,
then we'll reply the account.
If you're overseas,
We'll send a request by PayPal.
*如口頭預訂 或者 預訂後待付款狀態的期間
因故不再需要訂房 麻煩請主動連絡我們作取消喔 萬分感謝!

After booking or we're waiting for the deposit to be paid,
Please inform us if you no longer need the booking,
don't let us wait til the deadline, we appreciate your help.


Please inform us if the payment is done.
(Please give us the last 4 numbers of the bank account)
We'll check and reply to you again!
(And please leave us a phone number just in case)

The Booking is now DONE!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Step.5 入住 / Check In

未免客人久候 我們會與客人約定時間Check-in

Check In時間為:下午三點 至 下午六點。
Check Out 時間為:上午十一點
若無法於上述時間辦理Check In, 請您至少提前一天通知謝謝。

We'll send a reminder a couple of days before.
We'd like to ask for an appointment of check-in schedule.

Check In : 3 PM to 6 PM
Check Out : 11 AM
If you can not check in during 3 to 6 PM, please inform us one day before. Thank you!


Note. 延期、取消、更動 / Postpone, Cancel, or Change

詳細請參閱 "規則" 分頁。
Note. 連假期間請於30日前(不含入住當日)主動告知。

If you need to change your booking, please inform us 14 days before (booking day not included).
Other details, please refer to "Rules" page.
Note. During Special Holidays, please inform us 30 days before (booking day not included)


Any questions, please contact us! Thanks for your attention!