Introducing T-Bike with New 12 Stops in Tainan Downtown !
跟大家熟悉的高雄的City Bike、或是台北U-Bike有那些異同呢?
Have you notice a New Face on the road these days?
Yes! That's T-Bike, the public bike of Tainan.
Now there are 12 new stops in downtown~
And the Chih-Kan Stop is the closest to Rolling Inn!
At the end of this year,
50 stops will be available in downtown,
including Train Station!
However, what's special of T-Bike?
Let's check out now!
T-Bike乍看之下跟高雄的City Bike一樣,但其實小編覺得使用的體驗跟U-Bike較接近,
The bike with bright green color is the icon of T-bike.
They usually placed between the trees with 4 bikes line up.
At the first sight, T-Bike is almost the same as CityBike in Kaohsiung,
but the using experience in much closer to U-Bike in Taipei.
Now you can use T-bike with
Tainan Civil Card, I-Pass Card, Easy Card, or your Credit Card.
Tainan Civil Card, I-Pass Card, Easy Card, or your Credit Card.
[第一次使用前 Before the First Time]
Before Borrowing T-bike at the first time with
Tainan Civil Card, I-Pass Card, and Easy Card
Register your card by using the KIOSK machine,
and you will be asked to provide a phone number to get the verification code.
Before Borrowing T-bike at the first time with
Tainan Civil Card, I-Pass Card, and Easy Card
Register your card by using the KIOSK machine,
and you will be asked to provide a phone number to get the verification code.
或是你也可以到Google Play商店或App Store下載 T-Bike APP
Or you can download the T-bike APP on Google Play or App Store.
Register your card by App is much faster!
Or you can download the T-bike APP on Google Play or App Store.
Register your card by App is much faster!
After registration, you DO NOT have to use KIOSK machine when rent / return T-Bike!
After registration, you DO NOT have to use KIOSK machine when rent / return T-Bike!
For Credit Card user, there's no need to register.
but Credit Card operation (Rent / Return) is only allowed at KIOSK machine.
For Credit Card user, there's no need to register.
but Credit Card operation (Rent / Return) is only allowed at KIOSK machine.
--借車 Rent T-Bike--
[Step 01]
將一卡通 / 悠遊卡 放置在車架上的感應區
用< > 鍵選定你要的車格號碼
Put your I-Pass Card / Easy Card on sensor zone,
and use < > to select the T-bike position.
Put your I-Pass Card / Easy Card on sensor zone,
and use < > to select the T-bike position.
[Step 02]
When green signal lights up, press the red button to unlock.
When green signal lights up, press the red button to unlock.
--還車 Return T-Bike--
[Step 01]
Insert the T-Bike Lock Plate into the dock.
Insert the T-Bike Lock Plate into the dock.
[Step 02]
再將一卡通 / 悠遊卡 放置在車架上的感應區,完成扣款即可!!!
Place your I-Pass Card / Easy Card on sensor zone again to confirm the return.
Place your I-Pass Card / Easy Card on sensor zone again to confirm the return.
--仔細看T-Bike / Details of T-Bike--
[調整坐墊高低 / Adjust the Height]
Before Starting to ride, adjust the seat to the suitable height~
Before Starting to ride, adjust the seat to the suitable height~
[可觸控導航架 / Touchable Navigation Frame ]
小編覺得這個真的好實用! 手機放在裡面一樣可以觸控操作喔!!!
Very useful!!! You can put your phone inside!!!
Very useful!!! You can put your phone inside!!!
[可變速 / Shift in three stages]
Control the three-stage derailleur system with right handle.
[腳踏車鎖 / Bike Lock]
There is a bike lock in the basket.
You can lock the front wheel with the Lock.
There is a bike lock in the basket.
You can lock the front wheel with the Lock.
--目前台南市區的T-Bike站點 / T-Bike Stop in Downtown--
1.民生轉運站 / Minsheng Bus Station (近民生路、中華西路口)
2.赤崁樓站 / Chihkan Tower Station (近民族路、赤崁街口)
- 近【老林居 Rolling Inn】!!!
3.延平郡王祠站 / Koxinga Shrine Station (近開山路、建業街口)
4.美術館站 / Museum of Fine Arts Station (近府前路、永福路口)
- 近【司法博物館 Law Museum、孔廟 Confucius Temple 、3D藍晒圖園區 Blue-Print】!!!
7.健康西門路口站 / (近健康路、西門路口)
8.和順公園站 / Heshun Park Station (近公園南路、臨安路口)
9.開元轉運站 / Kaiyuan Bus Station (近開元路、長榮路口)
10.臺南市政府站 / Tainan City Hall Station (近府前路高鐵接駁車站)
11.安億停車場 / Anyi Parking Lot Station (近安億路、慶平路口)
- 近【安億橋(安平) Anyi Bridge (Anping)、林默娘公園 Matsu Park 】
12.衛生局站 / Department of Health Station (近林森路、東門路口)
- 近【大東夜市 Dadong Night Market】
其他T-Bike站點 / Other Rental Stop
※奇美博物館 / Chimei Museum (共5站 / 5 Stops)
※南科園區 / Tainan Science Industrial Park (共5站 / 5 Stops)
--如何從老林居到最近的站點 / Nearest Stop Around Rolling Inn --
沿 郡緯街 步行至赤嵌樓 (約600公尺 8分鐘)
Walk along Junwei St. to Chih-Kan Tower. (about 600 m, 8 min)
T-Bike官方網站 / Official Website for T-Bike
Rolling Inn, The scenery of Tainan
文字 / 攝影 : 蜘蛛廷
Edit / Photo : Spider-Ting
Edit / Photo : Spider-Ting