2013年4月12日 星期五

三日節吃潤餅 / Have a "Roon-Bing" on 3rd-Day-Festival !

時值四月初 最近應該很多人吃了潤餅
廣義的來說 潤餅就是春捲的一種
雖然日期接近 但卻不甚相同

At the beginning of April,
 recently many people in Taiwan might have had “Roon-Bing”,
which is a kind of Spring Rolls.
(I'll call it Spring Roll in the text following)
According to Taiwanese customs,
the day which we go to sweep the graves are divided into two groups:
Tomb-Sweeping Festival & 3rd-Day-Festival(Lunar Calendar 3rd. March)
The two days are close but different.
Do you know which group you belong?

在官府調停後規定 漳州人在三日節 也就是農曆三月初三
而泉州人則在清明 兩者換算程國曆後都在四月前半
這個習俗就跟著跨過了黑水溝 也在台灣落地生根

Eat Spring Roll and sweep the graves,
this custom has already existed for hundreds of years,
It's said that the people in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou
(both in China, very close)
often had dispute because they wanted to buy food
for preparation of tomb-sweeping.
The government's conciliation,
people in Zhangzhou do this on 3rd-Day-Festival
and people in Quanzhou on Tomb-Sweeping Festival.
The two dates are both on the first half of April.
And because of the most of the Taiwanese immigration in early years
came from these two places,
The custom went across the Taiwan Strait and rooted here in our culture.

他的用料非常豐富 但卻不盡相同

Due to the Spring Rolls are mostly used in Chinese New Year,
annual banquet,Tomb-Sweeping Festival & 3rd-Day-Festival,
the ingredients are multiple, but not always the same.
Usually put the mix of peanut powder and sugar on the roll skin,
then add the ingredients you like,
end up putting some powder on top, then roll it.

今年是高麗菜 豆芽菜 煎蛋絲 皇帝豆
蝦仁 豬肉 牛肉 紅蘿蔔絲 芹菜 蒜 大頭菜

My family make slightly differences every year.
This time the ingredients are:
cabbage, bean sprout, fried egg slice, lima bean,
shrimp, pork, beef, carrot slice, celery, garlic, turnip


What does your Spring Roll looks like?

請參考維基百科: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/潤餅卷

Want to know more about Roon-Bing (Spring Roll)?
Check out wikipedia (but only in Chinese version)